Thursday, April 12, 2012

Green Art

Earth Boat

I made this piece in the summer of 2011, this was my very first Green Art piece that I made. I call it the Earth Boat, because I used leaves, stems, and a honey sickle to create the piece. My inspiration for this piece came from Pirates of the Caribbean.

Thursday, February 16, 2012


For this piece i was insipred by Andy Warhol. I took the concept that Andy Warhol used and twicked it to my style. This was one of my first projects that i did when i began using Photoshop.

For this piece i took off my shoe and just created it in Photoshop. It was really easy to do, and i only used a handful of layers. The only thing i do not like about this piece is the check mark. I feel it lacks neatness.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Sculpting Projects

Alien Grass Rat

I made this piece for my Sculpting class. I tried to use all nature materials, but i had to use glue. I had inspiration from Pokemon and Andy Goldsworthy. Unfortuantly I was unable to preserve this piece. The leaves and buds that i used on this piece fell off.   

My Interpretation of Lacrosse

When it came to playing lacrosse i remember the slap checks to the hands, and that really hurt. So this was what i thought represented that feeling well. The sharp, pointy chicke wire is the extreme pain that was felt. I recycled an old lacrosse head for this project, and I used a stick that I found outside for the stick.